Leadership and Financial Modules Workshop - Best Western Hotel, Fort Pierce
(April 30, 2011 @12:00 PM - 3:00 PM)
Mothers' Community Service Project
Blessings in Boxes Haitian Relief Project Delivery
Benihana Community Service for St. Jude - Stuart, FL
(May 5, 2011)
Black Family Day - Blizzard Beach (Disney Water Park), Orlando, FL
Meet at St. Lucie County Civic Center @ 7:00 AM
(Saturday, May 14, 2011)
Educational Learning Center (ELC) Lagoon Nights Sleepover - Vero Beach, FL
(May 20-21, 2011)
May Mothers' Chapter Meeting - Mother Juliette Lomax-Homier, MD (Port St. Lucie)
(May 22, 2011 @ 4:30 PM)
Foundation Fundraiser (Katydids) Due
Please submit funds for fundraiser at May Mothers Meeting
(May 22, 2011)
Senior/End of the Year Banquet
(May or June 2011)
Treasure Coast Chapter Mothers' Retreat
(June 2011)
Southeastern Region Teen Conference - Atlanta, GA

(June 22-26, 2011)
Southeastern Region Mothers' Biennial Conference-Jackson, MS
(July 14-17, 2011)
*Registration closes on May 15, 2011
Treasure Coast Chapter Mothers' Workday
(August 2011)
Southeastern Region Book Club Trip - Detroit, MI & Canada
(September 2-5, 2011)
*Registration closes on May 15, 2011
Jack and Jill Day & Carole Robertson Observance - Rave Movie Theater, Port St. Lucie, FL
(September 10 or 24, 2011@ 9:00 AM)
Southeastern Region Mothers' Workday - Orlando, FL
(October 14-16, 2011)
Chicago Esquire Vogue Fashion Show (Fashionetta) - Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce
(November 5, 2011)
Christmas Celebration
(December 2011)
Founders Day Observance
(January 2012)
Ski Trip
(February 2012)